Wednesday, October 20, 2010


XML Table!!
 Ggggoooooooodddddd eeeeevvveeeening!!!

Yo.This is The Don,here to inform you about the latest and greatest in modern computer technology!Today we're going to learn about a cool new language.No,it's not a language I invented myself,mind you.It's called XML,and it stands for Extended Markup Language(NOT Extreme Markup Language,you nerd jokers.)Anyway,what the hell is XML?XML is a language used on the Internet to store data on the Internet.Unlike HTML,which its primary concerns are the display of data.XML is a useful tool that is used in many computer softwares nowadays.Not only it is versatile,but it also allows the use of Unicode for multiple languages,which means people all around the globe can use XML!Here are some examples of an XML notation,take a look!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

  <faculty category="medicine">
    <Students>32 students</Students>
    <Staff>40 staffs</Staff>
  <faculty category="science">
    <Students>100 students</Students>
    <Staff>50 staffs</Staff>

There!You see-was that too hard to understand??So,basically,we can see that XML IS SIMILAR TO HTML IN LANGUAGE BUT NOT IN DATA FUNCTION. To clearly differentiate more on XML and HTML,why don't we look at a table that describes the differences??

Concerned with the transport of data onlyConcerned with the display of data
Data can be separated from HTMLData cannot be separated
Can invent your own tagsTags are pre-determined
Just plain textNot just plain text

Thus,the differences between XML and HTML are clear-cut.You just have to be a bit knowledgeable in HTML first before you can draft an XML table.XML is very easy to learn.
Behold the XML flow chart!
And that ends our session for today!Thank you,and goodnight!For more information,log on!

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